
  • AHSAN JAVAID Lecturer, Noon Business School University of Sargodha, Pakistan Author
  • NOSHEEN NAWAZ Lecturer, Institute of Business Management and Administrative Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan Author
  • NAIN TARA Lecturer, Institute of Business Management and Administrative Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan Author
  • MOHSIN ALTAF Lahore Business School The University of Lahore, Pakistan Author


SMEs, Innovation, Performance, Capabilities


The most significant challenge for any firm today in the era of competition is to create and sustain relationships with its customers to increase profit. By lowering costs and improving product quality, the company establishes and maintains relationships with customers. Hereafter, this study aims to evaluate the impact of customer relationships on the organization’s performance in insurance companies. The quantitative approach has been used for this study. The population selected for this study comprises team players of insurance companies of Pakistan and the sample size selected for this study was 300 respondents. The software used for the analysis was SPSS and CFA. It is concluded that customer relationship management has a positive impact on the organization's performance, with employee performance and customer handling mediating the relationship of CRM and organization performance.


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