Mobile Devices,, Performance expectancy, Usage, Productivity,, Adaptive Performance.Abstract
This study investigates the mediating role of productivity between performance expectancy and adaptive performance of managers through usage of mobile technology in the context of small and medium enterprises of Pakistan. This study's target population includes managers or owners of SMEs listed in Chambers of Commerce of Capital cities of Pakistan. As part of the more extensive research, 422 responses were received, which shows a 59% response. To test the hypotheses, measurement and structural model was developed in SEM. The findings showed that partial mediation was observed in the case of performance expectancy with adaptive performance as direct beta without mediation is significant and positive, as well as in the presence of mediator productivity, it is also positive and significant with reduced strength of relationship between performance expectancy and adaptive performance. This study's findings will help the academia, banking sector, SMEDA and practitioners understand the importance productivity increased with technology, performance expectancy and adaptive performance. Future researchers must focus on an empirical investigation of testing the effect of information quality, system quality and mobile banking to predict managers' adaptive performance by comparing SMEs and large enterprises in Pakistan.
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