Examining the Factors That Shape Green Purchase Behavior: The Role of Subjective Norms, Self-Efficacy, Attitude and Intention
Green Self-Efficacy, Green Purchase Attitude, Subjective Norms, Green Purchase Intention, Green Purchase BehaviorAbstract
This study main objective is to analyze the emerging phenomenon of eco-friendly green environments in the domain of marketing. It is essential to increasing the market penetration of ecological products to get consumers to adopt a positive attitude toward green purchasing. Specifically, the study examined the role of green self-efficacy, subjective norms, and green purchase attitude in predicting the effect of intention in green purchase on the association among these factors and actual green purchase behavior. Data from 224 consumers with prior experience buying eco-friendly products is used. Results showed that subjective norms, green self-efficacy, and green purchase attitude important impact on intention to green purchase, which leads to predicted actual green purchase behavior. The mediation of intention toward green purchase was found to be partial. Therefore, this study suggests that interventions aimed at promoting green purchase behavior should focus on enhancing consumers' green self-efficacy, subjective norms, and green purchase attitude, as well as strengthening the intention-behavior relationship.
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