Workplace Discrimination and Strain Theory: A Case of District Okara Police Force


  • Yasir Nawaz Lecturer, Department of Statistics, Minhaj University, Township, Lahore Author
  • Hafiz Shabir Ahmad Lecturer, Department of Statistics, University of Okara Author
  • Moheez Hassan Lecturer, Department of Statistics, Punjab Group of Colleges, Jehlam Author



Workplace discrimination, Strain Theory, District Okara, Police Force


This study investigates the impact of workplace discrimination on gender job satisfaction, with a particular focus on police officers in District Okara including DepalPur, Renala Khurd, and Okara. Additionally, we examine how work environment, police culture, thread, and harassment contribute to gender job satisfaction and the adoption of strain theory. The research is based on a sample of 440 District Okara police officers, and primary data was collected through a questionnaire survey. Descriptive statistics, Correlation Coefficient, regression analysis, F-test, multivariate Generalized Linear Model (GLM), and two-way ANOVA were employed for data analysis using SPSS and R software. Minitab, Amos used for graphical representation. The study aims to shed light on the relationship between workplace discrimination and gender job satisfaction among District Okara police officers, especially considering the experiences of female officers. It was observed that both female and male officers face workplace discrimination. Notably, female officers exhibited higher levels of job dissatisfaction compared to their male counterparts. These findings are crucial for promoting gender equality and creating a supportive work environment in the District Okara police force.


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How to Cite

Nawaz, Y., Ahmad, H. S., & Hassan, M. (2023). Workplace Discrimination and Strain Theory: A Case of District Okara Police Force. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 12(3), 770-777.