Exports, FDI Inflows, Renewable Energy and Economic Growth: An Empirical Evidence from Singapore
Economic Growth, Exports, FDI Inflows, Renewable Energy, ARDL, SingaporeAbstract
The present study captures the impact of exports; FDI inflows and renewable energy on economic growth of Singapore economy by covering time period 1989-2022 in the context of Cobb-Douglas production function. This study applies ARDL approach for obtaining empirical results. The estimated results will further be tested by taking most of the diagnostic tests to make check whether the results are robust or not. The findings of this study reveal that exports; FDI inflows and renewable energy have a positive and statistically significant impact on the economic growth. However, short run impact of renewable energy is witnessed as insignificant while exports and FDI inflows contribute significantly in boosting economic growth. Moreover, labor and capital also play a positive role in enhancing economic growth. Based on these findings; this study suggests that exports; FDI inflows, and renewable energy may be given more importance by expanding their size if domestic production in Singapore is required to be increased.
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