Leveraging Multi-Agent Systems with Cloud Computing to Enhance Foreign Assistance in Urban Environments


  • Shifa Haq Department of Information Technology, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Syed Irtaqa Naqi Naqvi Department of Information Technology, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Danish Shehzad Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan Author




Agent, Healthcare, Ubimedic2


One of the most important tasks in the healthcare system is handling emergency circumstances that arise from major accidents or natural catastrophes. When a lot of people are involved and time is of the essence, we are all worried about the need for a coordinated response and organization. This study demonstrates how agent technology may successfully meet the aforementioned requirements and introduces a multi-agent system for managing territorial emergencies in large-scale disasters. In this study, we provide Ubimedic2, a multi-agent framework that may independently coordinate the operational units during rescue missions.


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How to Cite

Haq, S. ., Naqvi, S. I. N. ., & Shehzad, D. . (2024). Leveraging Multi-Agent Systems with Cloud Computing to Enhance Foreign Assistance in Urban Environments. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(2), 1096-1101. https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00435