Understanding the Influence of Perceived Authenticity of Femvertising on Consumer Buycott Intentions: A Moderated Mediation Model of Consumers’ Extrinsic Attributions and Power Distance


  • Aleena Amir NUST Business School, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Usman NUST Business School, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan Author




femvertising, extrinsic attributions, consumers’ buycott intention, power distance, structural equation modelling


Building on attribution theory, the study proposes that consumers’ extrinsic attributions towards femvertising mediates the relationship between perceived authenticity of femvertising and consumers’ buycott intention. Furthermore, the study theoretically proposes that power distance as a cultural norms moderates the direct perceived authenticity of femvertising and consumers’ extrinsic attributions towards femvertising. Finally the study contends power distance also moderates the indirect relationship between perceived authenticity of femvertising and consumers’ buycott intention via consumers’ extrinsic attributions towards femvertising. Using data collected from the 413 consumers and analysing using structural equation modelling in Mplus (8.9), the results reveals that all the hypothesized relationship were supported. In so doing the study contributes to the nascent yet growing literature on femvertising as well as offer novel practical insights for the managers and organizations.


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How to Cite

Amir, A. ., & Usman, M. . (2024). Understanding the Influence of Perceived Authenticity of Femvertising on Consumer Buycott Intentions: A Moderated Mediation Model of Consumers’ Extrinsic Attributions and Power Distance. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(3), 273-281. https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00487