Dynamic Capabilities and Firm Performance: Moderating Effect of Environmental Dynamism
Dynamic Capabilities, Firm Performance, Environmental DynamismAbstract
This paper, therefore, conducts much detail with regard to the moderating role of environmental dynamism between dynamic capabilities and firm performance, with special reference to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of Pakistan. The conceptual framework leans on the proposition by Teece, Pisano, and Shuen (1997) that dynamic capabilities allow reconfiguration of resources for the changing market demand and hence the source of competitive advantage to the firm. It is theoretically possible that empirical studies on the moderating effect of environmental dynamism are possible, and still scarce within this domain—an even more rare context in the case of Pakistani SMEs. Thereby, this research intends to fill that gap by empirically examining how the influence of environmental dynamism plays out at the dynamic capabilities-performance nexus in Pakistani SMEs—a sector pivotal for the economic growth of the nation but also challenged by a unique blend of local business conditions. Understanding how firms can benefit from their dynamic capabilities in relation to their performance in volatile markets has become important within this fast-changing business environment. This paper, therefore, through an intensive review of the literature, traces the development of the dynamic capability theory in highlighting its relevance for firm performance and the critical roles environmental dynamism has played as one of the most emphasized contextual factors in firm performance. Quantitative research design will be used for data collection from a broad base of industries under the SME sector of Pakistan, and it will be collected through cross-sectional surveys to explore the proposed relationships. Findings have revealed an environmental dynamism-relevant moderating effect on the relationship between dynamic capabilities and performance. That is to say, in the most volatile environments, SME performance will be more dependent on dynamic capabilities, and that dependence will imply that the strategic value of the capabilities would become contingent on the level of environmental dynamism. This is congruent with the resource-based view (RBV) theory of strategy: the strategic value of resources and capabilities depends on the fit that such resources will have with the external environment. Implications for managers and policymakers, therefore, could be said to be very pragmatic, since SMEs operating within such dynamic markets would have a crying need to develop and deploy dynamic capabilities in a strategic way to effectively steer through the environment. First, these findings contribute to theoretical development in that they draw and support from the dynamic capability view (DCV) and RBV literature in verifying the contingent value of the dynamic capability with respect to environmental dynamism. It not only adds some fertile insights into the dynamic capabilities framework within an emerging market context like Pakistan but also substantiates some interesting facets for SMEs to gain an edge on their competitive advantage within the fast-changing global business environment.
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