Job Satisfaction: Antecedent and Consequences
Job satisfaction, ConsequencesAbstract
The objective of this research is to explore antecedents and consequences of job satisfaction. This study explain the antecedents of job satisfaction (Employees age, Employees’ salaries, Absence of promotion prospects, Poor awareness of professional image, Professional experience, Area of expertise, hours of work, Location of work, Transformational Leadership, Supervisory Support, Job dangerousness, Role conflict, Level of fairness, Working environment, Promotion, Job Security, Relationship with co-worker, Relationship with supervisor, Self-esteem, Generalized self-efficacy, Emotional stability, Internal locus of control, Job flexibility, Reward and cost values, Co-worker participation, Supervisory support, Innovative, Supportive culture, Leadership style, Education, Participate Management Style, Supervisory Communication Participative Planning Process, Leadership Behavior, Ethical Climate, Perceptions, Manipulate the Employees Perceived performance ratings, Personal bias, Punish subordinates, Perceived Job Mobility, Current perspectives, Learning Organizational Culture, Individual determinants, Structural determinants, Stress, Routinization, Cynicism and Motivation factor) and its effects (Financial Indicators, Job Performance, Job Turnover and Absenteeism). Articles from different journals have been used for the review.