A Study Regarding Long-Term Change Management for Quality 4.0: Findings from Hybrid Project Management Implementation in The Fintech Setting
hybrid project management, theory of planned behavior, partial least squares structural equationAbstract
The authors of this study want to analyze organizational purpose while focusing on the adoption of hybrid project management (HPM) methodology in FinTech system development. It is critical to identify the internal and external elements that influence organizational decision-makers intentions for HPM adoption. This study intends to use a theoretical approach that combines the Technology Organization Environment (TOE), which investigates the factors that influence FinTech organizations' decisions to incorporate HPM into their software development projects, with the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which investigates behavioral intention. It tackles the elements that influence organizational decision-makers preparation for HPM deployment and their willingness to employ it. When the independent, dependent, and moderating variables are combined, the results show that relative advantage, top management support, and industry pressure all have a positive impact on an individual's attitude towards HPM adoption in FinTech and sustainability in Quality 4.0. The authors also examined the impact of attitudes and perceived behavioral control factors on the long-term intention to use HPM in the FinTech business. The stated hypotheses were verified using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), except for the direct effect of top management support or attitude on intention to adopt.
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