HRM Strategies and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Assessing Strategic Agility Mediating Impact


  • Mehwish Rafiq MS Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Pakistan Author
  • Aimen Hasan IM Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan Author
  • Zahid Latif Mphil Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • Ambreen Kamil Senior Director, Sindh Employees Social Security Institution, University of Karachi, Pakistan Author
  • Ali Raza Zaidi Department of Business Administration, Government College University, Hyderabad, Pakistan Author
  • Sudhair Abbas Bangash Faculty of Management Science, Department of Business Administration, Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan Author



Agility, HRM, CB-SEM, Competitive Advantage, Globalization


The study thoroughly investigates unexplored impact of HRM strategies in less developed countries. It delves into pivotal strategic agility role as mediator among HRM strategies & sustainable competitive advantage. The study aims to establish basic knowledge and emphasize connections linking HRM strategies and SCA, with strategic agility playing mediating role. The information was collected from various internet platforms and analyzed using CB-SEM to assess proposed model. The results found that strategic agility is crucial mediating impact in enhancing HRM strategies influence on competitive advantage. The paper ends by highlighting theoretical and practical contributions, research limitations, and recommendations for future studies.


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How to Cite

Rafiq, M. ., Hasan, A. ., Latif, Z. ., Kamil, A. ., Zaidi, A. R. ., & Bangash, S. A. . (2024). HRM Strategies and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Assessing Strategic Agility Mediating Impact. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(3), 379-384.