Mobile marketing,, Internet promotion, Consumer behavior, InterviewAbstract
This study aims to investigate negative and positive effects of mobile marketing and to explore the opportunities to turn this channel more promising. Methodological paradigm adopted for this study was qualitative research design. Data were collected from 30 Smartphone users across Pakistan via face to face and semi-structured interviews. Findings shed light on positive and negative aspects of mobile marketing. Permission of client, brand acceptance, communication through application and determined time and frequency of messages were identified as key positive outcomes. Whereas annoyance, irrelevant messages, breach of privacy and risk and security threat were recognized as chief negative outcomes of mobile marketing. This research glorifies the pros and cons of mobile marketing. It reveals do consumers really want to engage in mobile marketing or not. So far, this issue has grabbed a little research attention. This study contributes to fulfilling the need for research evidence by exploring the phenomenon from various dimensions.
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