Social Cognitive Theory In Human Resource Management: Literature Review, Criticism and Research Agenda


  • Sumera Mehmood Lecturer Accounting and Finance & PhD Scholar, Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan Author
  • Zaki Hasan Assistant Professor, Ziauddin University, Karachi, Pakistan Author
  • Raza Ali Vice President, National Bank of Pakistan Author
  • Sana Nawaz Lecturer, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi, Pakistan Author
  • Sehrish Amjad PhD student, Greenwich University, Pakistan Author



Human Resource Management Practices, Social Cognitive Theory, Self-Efficacy


The development of Resource Management (HRM) theory and the study and application of Green HRM (GHRM). The Social Learning Theory (SLT), often called the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), asserts that behavior, the environment, and interact dynamically to facilitate learning. This academic study explores the particular aspects of SLT/SCT that are most pertinent to HRM and GHRM, highlighting HRM contexts in which one or more SLT/SCT propositions have been incorporated into theory development, research, and real-world implementations. Because SLT/SCT is a comprehensive theory that explains behavior and learning processes, the results point to great potential for its application in the field of GHRM within HRM. Additionally, this analysis offers suggestions for advancing HRM theory, future research projects, and real-world applications. It is shown that SLT/SCT has great promise to improve GHRM comprehension and application in the larger HRM context.


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How to Cite

Mehmood, S., Hasan, Z. ., Ali, R. ., Nawaz, S. ., & Amjad, S. . (2024). Social Cognitive Theory In Human Resource Management: Literature Review, Criticism and Research Agenda. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(2), 9-13.