
  • AYESHA LIAQUAT Principal, KIPS Education System Author
  • FARAH SHAFIQ Assistant Professor , University of Education, Division of Education, Lahore Author
  • RASHDA MAJID University of Education, Lahore Author
  • SHAISTA EJAZ Fatima Jinnah Women University, The Mall, Rawalpindi Author


leadership, instructional leadership, performance, perception, efficacy, teachers


This research intended to explore the teaching efficiency and performance of federal school teachers based on the instructional leadership. Moreover, the Correlation between Instructional Leadership, Teachers’ Efficacy and Students’ Achievement were also be concluded by the mean of this research. The researcher used the Positivist paradigm for ensuring the impartial results. The researcher performed the survey in order to obtain the pertinent data. The secondary school teachers provided the data (SSTs). This research included 100 male and 100 female SSts. They were chosen using the random sampling approach.  as survey was conducted on a 5 point Likert scale. There were 11 subscales and 71 items on the used questionnaire. The results showed that school teachers were influenced by the their principals’ possess good instructional leadership qualities. Similarly, the strong relationship between the variables was found. Based on the findings, leadership should increase teacher efficacy while promoting awareness via seminars and workshops. However, authorities should also urge administrators to assist teachers in this area while demonstrating instructional leadership.


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How to Cite

LIAQUAT, A. ., SHAFIQ, F. ., MAJID, R. ., & EJAZ, S. . (2021). TEACHERS’ TEACHING EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCE IMPACTED BY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS’ INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 10(3), 56-64. https://bbejournal.com/BBE/article/view/98